Thursday, October 28, 2010

Spiritual Significance of Sound and Music

How does the spirit of your voice connect you with your essence, the very core of who you are? The essence of your voice is actually the source of all matter.

When you attune your Instrument, meaning the instrument of your body, mind and spirit, this results in a harmonious sonata of life.

When you have difficulty speaking or singing it's a sign that you have become out of tune or disconnected from your Source.

Some examples of this are:


It happens alot to people when they go to speak before others in public. In fact, did you know that fear of public speaking is the number one fear after the fear of death!?!?!

You become out of tune with your voice when you're:

•Trying to Hard
•Approaching the notes outside of you. You approach the sound as if it is outside of you and you need to achieve it, when it is the essence of your entire being.
•Questioning Yourself
•Listening to the Habitual Voices instead of the Nurturing Ones

How can you get back in tune, when your off key?
Not Running from what is out of tune. Meet it, and shift the key.

I believe that when people attune to the essence of their voice, the result is peace and tranquility.

I'd like to share with you a very special comprehensive book called the Spiritual Significance of Music, edited by Justin St Vincent. I have written a chapter which you can download the chapter for free online, it's called The Spirit of Sound. There are many other brilliant entries on the website as well. Justin is so dedicated to bringing the healing power of music to the public. Check out his website:

What is the biggest challenge you have with your voice?
How does it affect you?
What would being connected with your natural voice give you?
How would your life be more in harmony?

Look forward to creating a dialogue here. Look forward to hearing from you.

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